
May the month of outbreaks,

The worst thing happened in Minneapolis, George Floyd died, police officers involved are still being investigated, from a peaceful protest to a dangerous riot, COVID-19 cases still going on around the world. I honestly do not know what this world has become.
Before the protest and riots occurred, life was good and my family and I visited Banning State park and Short Line Park then took a detour to Duluth. It was a pretty good time, as the days went on starting May 25 things started to go off, we got in lockdown. I decided to write a testimony and share it with you all, of what I have witnessed and experienced these past days in Minneapolis. My emotions and a little of what is currently happening.

Dear\ America,
Today I am writing to you and express the way I am feeling towards this inequality. Yes, I do not approve of all that is happening, buildings being destroyed, things getting fired up, police vehicles being vandalized, and fear being created amongst our community. As a female of color, I believe it is important for everyone to express their anger, fear, disappointment, and sorrow, that’s why the first amendment got created. As of history, we have kept fighting to obtain our rights, to obtain equal and gender respect, all in a peaceful manner. Until now Minneapolis is filled with buildings led up with fire, civilians running with guns protecting their businesses, cops being bypassed. George Floyd dead, it took another innocent life and yet nothing has been done, when is this going to end? Now small businesses are paying for it as well.
I am not justifying that it is okay to be destroying these buildings and looting stores and I do not come today to talk about politics because I dislike all this judgment and arguments. I am just here to give my testimony. I will be honest, they say America is the land of freedom but is it really the land of the freedom? My family, friends, and acquaintance of color live with fear every day, we get looked up differently, get disrespected in our daily basis because of our skin color, get pointed out as gangsters, violent, uneducated, because of our skin color, get looked as less because of our skin color. If I had the power to fix this I would use it, but it’s not about fixing something, but rather making a permanent change and it is not going to stop until that change is made. We all are tired and I support the cause but the violence is hurting innocent people and that I would not tolerate.
After the first protest on May 26 that later continued for almost a week. I decided to go and support, we went in the daylight and from what we saw it was a very peaceful protest. The whole community was speaking up peacefully. Not until the night came, around 8 pm things started to get out of control. Governor Waltz announced a curfew for every citizen living in Minneapolis to stay in their homes. The community did not pay attention and they continued to protest, the night of May 28 around 10 pm the police officers guarding the Minneapolis Police Department third precinct evacuated the building and by 11 pm it was already set on fire. Riots have continued for about three days now. It got worse at night, riots did not begin until the night of May 28 as far as I know.

I am currently with my family sleeping in the living room, two nights without enough sleep. I honestly never thought I was going to be sleeping and holding a hammer to protect myself in case someone breaks into our home. We also have our car packed with our stuff, ready in case we need to leave the house. White supremacy groups are going around Minneapolis with white trucks and vans attacking neighborhoods. This is no longer a protest of justice for George Floyd, now groups outside Minneapolis are coming in and taking advantage of our communities, so who are the bad guys? The people of color? The protestors? The people who are looting? The police officers that are not being sentenced for their crimes? The outsiders? I hope this nightmare ends soon. All my Minneapolis people stay safe and take care.

Until Next Time!


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