September 2020

Good afternoon!

It is quite a nice day outside to be facing a pandemic. At least the weather is cheering us up in these difficult times, actually, never mind it started to rain. After the COVID-19 cases began to increase my family was very worried, as most of us where since the only thing we knew was that there was no cure and it could lead to death. So what we did was store some food at home for emergencies only. We didn’t go to stores to buy groceries until later on to not expose ourselves or anyone else. As days went on and most of us being stuck at home it became a bit stressful. Especially for us since I believe we are developed to socialize with others in person and when that just stops we do not know how to handle it because we are just so used to seeing people every day. In a way socializing is like a norm for us.

As COVID-19 cases went decreasing, restaurants and local stores slowly began to open. I had the opportunity to work in my first ever restaurant job this summer. It was crazy fast-paced and I needed to memorize the menu, as a matter effect I do not remember much of it now. The coworkers there where amazing one of the reasons I enjoyed going to work! and of course, I can’t forget about the costumers, most were very friendly. I gained so much confidence in talking to the public and too strangers. I also had the opportunity to be a cashier! it was interesting to see how nervous I got on returning money to the costumers, errors couldn’t be made

After summer break school began once again and went back to my student life. Campus life in Wisconsin was very different, everything followed the 6 feet distance. Classes were either online, face-to-face, or hybrid. Clubs and activities are all virtually. Cases have been growing rapidly in WI so our school was in quarantine for 2 weeks. A few challenges I am facing with online courses are internet issues, new assignments that are not included in the syllabus, and professors’ availability. We are all slowly trying to survive this semester since it is new to everyone. But on the brighter side, I got to see some friends and I am still part of the Latino club!

Until Next Time!


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